Teresa Miarnau


They are paintings that have been created over time, during short trips and in the work of continuous analysis, where the treatment of the various subjects has evolved and reflects the way of being and the acquisition of new knowledge.


They are paintings that have been created over time, during short trips and in the work of continuous analysis, where the treatment of the various subjects has evolved and reflects the way of being and the acquisition of new knowledge.


We intended a quiet tourism to better capture the mood and the way of life in this country, going slowly and stopping in small villages allowed us to deal with many people.Dogon villages are marvellous, but still children are the best of Africa.


Hiking at the Annapurna In the fall of 2008 we went for a trek to Annapurna mountains in Nepal with a group of friends, a kind of holiday which is closer to people, villages and mountains.Just as we were gaining altitude, we discovered different landscapes, first tropical, with its terraced …

Exhibition. MONTSENY

Amigues i amics,Avui tenim el plaer d’anunciar-vos l’inici d’aquesta exposició, que la pintora Teresa Miarnau ha volgut oferir a Sant Celoni, com a mostra de solidaritat amb la tasca que desenvolupa la Coordinadora per a la Salvaguarda del Montseny (CSM) en defensa dels valors ambientals i culturals del Montseny.Aquesta exposició, …


India is so large a continent that one can find big differences from one state to another, in the way of life of people, the landscapes and the climate. It is a country that always surprises you.


The hiking there was much harder than in the Annapurna. The mountains were awesome for their shape and colours. They were so special that reminded me cathedrals, naked, clean, serene and magnificent, even better than cathedrals!Nature is wild and hard and, when it rains, everything melts: mountains, bridges, roads, and …

South Africa

After some years without staying in Africa, we decided to go back there. South Africa is very different from other African countries: sometimes and in many ways this country can make you forget you are in Africa.The scenery is a striking beauty: Cape Point, White River …